Have a volunteer opportunity or suggestion? Send us an email at pchsnhs11@gmail.com!
Send us any photos you have from volunteer events with NHS!
Please email Mrs.Walker or
Mrs.Fleming about any volunteering opportunities for pre approval !!

Member Meeting Dates


NHS Meeting Dates
*Hours Sheet Turn In

~ a l l  m e m b e r s  m u s t  a t t e n d ~

*September 2 
September 30
*October 28
December 2
*January 13
February 10
*March 3
**April 7 (30 Hours Due!)
April 24 (Induction Ceremony - all must attend)

Where? - Main Cafeteria
What time? - 2:15 to 3:00

**REMINDER** - If you cannot attend, please write an explanation as to why you will not be there, attach the fine, and then submit it to Mrs. Walker or Mrs. Fleming.

Wear your orange T-shirts to all the meetings!